
Gary Neville’s call for improved workers’ rights irked all the usual suspects

The World Cup is over and *spoiler alert* Argentina has taken the trophy for a third time, in what was undoubtedly a thrilling final against France.

Gary Neville had high praise for the spectacle.

But he also spoke about the elephant in the room – the questions around human rights that made the Qatari World Cup so controversial.

He pointed out that the UK might want to look inward as well as outward.

“It is just worth mentioning that we’ve got a current government in our country who are demonising rail workers, ambulance workers and, terrifyingly, nurses.

So, in our country we’ve got to look at workers’ rights, but certainly where football goes now, we have to make sure we pick up on workers’ rights wherever it goes.”

Here are a few things people had to say about it.

What his point mostly did, however, was annoy a group of people whose names you could probably guess.

Some examples …

Theresa May’s former Chief of Staff, Nick Timothy.

Nigel Farage.

30p Lee.

Katie Hopkins wannabe, Sophie Corcoran.

Self-described singer, Laurence Fox.

This is how their objections went down on Twitter.

We’ll leave the last words on the performative outrage to the man himself.


Gary Neville spoke for everyone on bankers’ bonuses – apart from bankers

Source James Withers Image Screengrab