
Ever wondered how Kate Bush would sing Away in a Manger? Probably like this

At this time of year, there are so many singers competing for our Christmas Spotify lists (other streaming services are available) that only the exceptional can make their mark.

Although Kate Bush hasn’t turned her unique talent to a Christmas release, we can’t stop listening to an uncanny impersonation of the iconic singer performing Away in a Manger, courtesy of singer, comedian and actor Sooz Kempner.

We think you’ll get a real kick out of it.

We can’t find fault with this YouTube comment.

I haven’t seen such a top quality impersonation for years. So many things spot on in only a few seconds. Bordering on genius.
Mark Croxteth

Sooz shared the impressive performance on Twitter.

Tweeters were as blown away as YouTube users had been.

As a Christmas bonus, here’s ‘Christina Aguilera’ singing Silent Night.

Raise your hand if you’d love to see a full set of this sort of thing. You can find details of upcoming gigs on her website.

Give her a follow on Twitter or Instagram and/or tip her on Ko-fi.

You can also join Sooz on Twitch for New Year’s Eve, where she will be taking requests for songs and having a laugh.


Sooz Kempner’s hilarious spoof Royal correspondent went full Daily Mail on Harry

Source Sooz Kempner Image Screengrab