Brits are giving an American really bad but funny advice on English mustard
We hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but the UK doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to cuisine, and no amount of TikTokers being pleasantly surprised by beans on toast is going to change that.
However, over on Reddit’s r/CasualUK forum, one American decided to give a beef sandwich essential a try – English mustard, to be precise.
u/woofwooflol asked –
‘American here, trying British mustard for the first time. What should I expect?’
They went with a classic.
Some people gave serious replies.
Had copious amounts on my cold ham and turkey last night. Too good.
English mustard has the power of wasabi. American mustard has the spice of ketchup…
A cheese, ham and mustard toastie is heavenly.
Throw a generous serving in some mashed potato, you’ll never look back.
Others – well – didn’t. These were our top ten.
Best way is to eat it as a yoghurt.
Just chug the jar like any real Brit would.
My grandpapa would always use an old army trick of rubbing a little bit underneath each eyelid, to check for quality.
Wash it down with a mug of Worcestershire sauce.
It’s very mild, it’s best rubbed on your upper lip.
Don’t use any more than 1 jar per sandwich.
For best results spread all over your back on a scorching day.
I like to use a straw and do an aggressive snort. Really try and get the whole jar done in one.
To see if it’s gone off, simply put a small dab inside each nostril.
Add a couple of tablespoons to your cereal – works with all of them – cornflakes, porridge… it’s pretty mild, so don’t be afraid to lick the spoon clean afterwards.
As it’s party season, this anecdote from u/citorn might prove useful.
When my sister moved to the uk and I was back in Brazil still (I’ve been here for 9 years now) she went back to visit and took one of these with her.
I absolutely love mustard and came back from a big night out around 6am and was really hungry.
On top of the kitchen table there was this and some bread and l thought oh that will do.
I’ve put a generous amount of this mustard on a tiny bit of bread and ate it.
2 seconds after I was sober, coughing, nostrils cleared and cryin’.
In case you were wondering, this was u/woofwooflol‘s verdict.
I did a spoonful and I feel like I saw god.
Two spoonfuls and you can smell colours.
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Source r/CasualUK Image r/CasualUK, Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels