
This ‘disaffected liberal’ complained about a museum’s Covid checks and got just the takedown they deserved

This won’t be the only comeback we feature on these pages this week, but it might be one of the best.

It’s someone called Tim Pool, who describes themselves a journalist, disaffected liberal, commentator, skateboarder (and many other things), and by all accounts he wasn’t happy that a museum was doing Covid vaccination checks.

It’s from a little while ago but has just gone wildly viral again on Reddit.

And here are just a few of the things people said about it.

‘The Nazis are famously evil because they stopped people from going to museums.’

‘Remember, these are the same people whingeing about wanting everyone to have voter ID.’

‘They’re also the same people obsessed with borders.’

‘Hasan’s Twitter is gold for clap backs like this. Plus Tim Pool is literally the epitome of missing the point.’

Source Reddit r/beerbellybegone Images Unsplash Unsplash