
People are sharing red flags in interviews that show the job is toxic – 17 high alerts


‘Had an owner of a restaurant tell me “If you have a problem don’t come to me cause you won’t like how I fix it” Yeah, keep your job.’


‘When I mentioned a company’s dismal Glassdoor evaluations, they became so enraged that they ended the interview. Well. I suppose I escaped that danger.’


‘I drove about 4 hours to an interview in another city. I told the person interviewing me that I was happy at my current job and wouldn’t consider leaving just for the higher pay.

‘He stood up and looked over the cubicle walls to make sure no one was around and whispered, “You don’t want to work here.”

‘I passed on that job but while in the new city I applied for another job where I have been happy for the last 25+ years.’


“We’ll start you at minimum and re-evaluate in a month”


‘If you hear the word “sales” mentioned ANYWHERE in the job description, then sales will be your main job.’


‘It’s an older/established company, but everyone working there is young/new aside from the higher ups.

‘Also, if you ask what’s the best part about working there and they address things like “Oh it’s a great location” or “We get free lunch” instead of saying what they like about the actual job or company.’


‘High turnover rates CAN be a red flag, but they are also just more common in certain jobs than others (retail, food service, etc.)

‘However, if they ever say “people just don’t want to work anymore” or something similar, RUN. They won’t value your time you as an employee, pay is likely to be shit, management is going to be incompetent and/or overbearing, and options for raises, promotions, or career advancement is going to be minimal to none.’


‘I always ask everyone in the room when their last vacation was.’

Source Reddit u/Denarik