
Vote Leave’s pre-referendum NHS video has aged badly – very, very badly

As parliament debates whether to bring in a law effectively removing the right to strike from many sectors by introducing compulsory minimum service levels, junior doctors could join nurses and ambulance drivers in taking that drastic step.

NHS and social care workers have been describing harrowing conditions due to inadequate pay and chronic underfunding, which has led to poor retention and recruitment, leaving staff struggling to do their jobs with little or no support.

The current Health Secretary, Steve Barclay, has suggested a solution.

But we’re finding it very hard to believe these headlines*, since Brexit has happened – and wasn’t Brexit going to turn the NHS into a replica BUPA advert? Other private healthcare providers are available.
*Not really

Here’s what Vote Leave insisted would happen to health services after Brexit.

Of course, the Tufton Street gang behind the ad have apologised profusely for misleading people. Oh no, wait – they haven’t.

After the clip resurfaced, people were understandably furious.

In short –


The Brexit ‘divorce’ bill has gone up by £10 billion because sunlit uplands cost A LOT

Source Marina Purkiss Image Screengrab