Simply the perfect response to this holy mess of a Bible theory
Thank you to Redditor u/elefantsnabel03, who spotted this gross misunderstanding of the Bible, and shared it on r/facepalm.
It’s the Bible – not the online edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Reddit users had some thoughts.
I feel like this is more likely to prove the Bible wrong, because we’ve actually seen dinosaur bones.
Can we really be sure that kangaroos actually exist? Like, I’ve “seen” them, but is that actually proof? Perhaps they’re just wolves dressing up?
Dinosaurs did not have clocks or sundials, thus they lived before the start of time. Problem solved.
It’s almost as if the bible was written by people who didn’t fully understand the world around them. Isn’t that weird that a book, written thousands of years ago by people who didn’t even understand that we revolve around the sun, could be wrong or missing a fuck ton of information?
The bible is a collection of literary work that coincidentally exclude any dinosaur stories. Maybe it will be in the sequel. I hopeJames Cameron gets the rights for the movie. I wanna see Dino Jesus!
This. This is why we can’t have nice things.
New rule 34 “If it exists, It has to be in the bible”
The Bible does mention fairies and a talking mule.
Bible mentions unicorns. Haven’t seen one of them yet.
Here is my new book I’ll call “Super Duper Bible”:
“In the beginning there was nothing. Later there were dinosaurs. Later they were gone. Later there were people.
I was forced to go to church as a kid and one day I asked the pastor “why don’t they talk about dinosaurs in the bible?” The pastor responded with “don’t ask questions.” Pretty sure that was the last day I stepped foot in a church aside from friends weddings.
It’s hard to have a reasonable discussion with someone who uses the Bible as proof of the historic accuracy of…the Bible.
Australians 25:17 – and lo, the son of God did spake ‘oath mate, what’s with all the fucking kangaroos?’
This exchange deserves a special mention.
Does the bible mention Florida anywhere?🤨🤔
elefantsnabel03Pretty sure Sodom is mentioned…
Darkchild1723Today it’s known as Mar-A-Lago.
Probably the best (NSFW) comeback to anyone using the Bible to justify racism