
This classic news clip with a ‘giraffe running in the background’ is never less than fabulous

If you’ve never seen this news clip then you are in for a treat and if you have then it’s never less than worth another look.

It’s just gone viral again on Reddit and it’s 15 seconds so very well spent.

Very definition of contagious laughter …

‘All machinery should be made to look like animals.’

‘Most look like CATs anyway.’

‘My mom and her siblings once mocked their grandmother for a whole day because she claimed she saw an elephant walking down the street. They later found out the circus had been in town and the circus had, indeed, taken the elephant for a walk in the streets.’

‘I for one welcome our new robot giraffe overlords.’

‘That’s the funniest thing I ever saw. Thank you, it made my day.’

Source Reddit u/doyouhavetono