
This boss punished a parent for calling in sick and got all the responses they deserved

In another grim snapshot of ‘the way we work now’, this person’s exchange with a boss has just gone viral after they called in sick to look after their ill child.

Except it turns out that your child being ill isn’t sufficient to not turn up to work anymore. At least, it wasn’t for this employer. Especially if you don’t let them know in advance.

‘Disciplinary action for being sick and calling in,’ said Redditor limareg.

Here’s what limareg said about it later.

“There’s been so much sickness going around and my daughter and I have gotten sick a good few times.

Obviously I call out so we can rest at home, get better, and not get anyone else sick. But now for that I’m close to disciplinary action.

Honestly kind of pissed off. I work at a hospital, deal with insurance. This is when I let my boss know I wouldn’t be in ‘cuz my daughter is sick. Didn’t realize I could get in trouble for being SICK and following expectations for calling in when sick.”

Ouch. And here’s exactly what people made of that (and their boss).

‘Do managers not realize how stupid they sound when they complain your sickness was “unplanned?” My god these people are such mindless stooges.’

‘I miss when it used to be considered rude to come into work sick.’

“Sorry, I’ll let you know ahead of time when I plan to get sick next. Do you know any real psychics so I can find out when that’ll be?”


‘Oh sorry, I had an unplanned traffic accident, next time I’ll make sure to intentionally crash into a building.’

“Per the policy we sent out”

‘Tells you everything you need to know. What happened to them, that they have become so insensitive and inhumane?’

‘I mean….f**k it. Don’t let them know when you will be out if it doesn’t make a difference. Then after 5 let them give you a “verbal warning”. If you have to be out, fuck them, be out. If you’re valued, they’ll cave. If you aren’t valued they’ll fire you.’

And just in case you were wondering …

‘Only 5 sick days a year? What country are you in where it’s so low? We get 10 days paid sick leave by law.’

‘There is no law guaranteeing ANY sick days at all for the broad united states, some states have certain regulations, but no federal law requiring an employer give you any time off for sickness.’

Source Reddit u/limareg Image Pexels H/T Buzzfeed