Weird World

This anti-vaxxer mystery caused an outbreak of sarcasm

Despite evidence to the contrary, a lot of people believe that vaccines damage the immune system and invariably make people ill – particularly children.

One anti-vax parent reached out to the internet for help solving a vaccine-related mystery.

It’s perfectly normal to worry when your children are off-colour, but it’s also perfectly normal for kids to pick up every bug going.

u/FluffyDiscipline explained the benefit of vaccinating them.

Kids are kids, snotty noses and sore throats building up immunity growing up…..

Vaccinated Kids got a security cape against the biggies, measles, mumps, rubella, covid etc

u/ErmacQ‘s post on r/vaxxhappened got the reactions you’d expect – with a healthy dose of sarcasm. We picked a few favourites to share with you.

Call Scooby-Doo and the gang, we got ourselves a mystery.

Let’s unmask this criminal and see who’s behind this.

Makes you think.

Wow, that certainly is a top 10 strangest unsolved mystery. I hope they get to the bottom of this.

They will get told to put a potato in the kid’s sock and have them wear it while they sleep. They think the potato will “draw out” the sickness.

Sadly, I’m not kidding.

“I don’t wear sunscreen, but it seems I always get sunburned!! Help?!”

Welcome to the other side of “your choices have consequences.”

To sum up –

I always love the logic of, the government is lying to me about these thousands of people around the world who all work in this field, even from other countries they don’t control… Yet some guy in his basement knows the truth.


So many anti-vaxxers didn’t get this joke that it’s today’s most satisfying thing

Source r/vaxxhappened Image Pixabay r/vaxxhappened