Fox News’ Tucker Carlson claims nicotine ‘frees your mind’ – 14 absolutely smoking reactions
Pro-Trump Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson has taken time out of his busy schedule of complaining about woke M&Ms to take viewers on a dangerous journey through his fevered imagination on the topic of cigarettes.
Brace yourself. You’re going back in time.
Tucker: They hate nicotine. They love THC.. Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind and thc makes you compliant and passive pic.twitter.com/M73aC2IeWy
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 21, 2023
They’re promoting weed to your children, but they’re not letting you use tobacco.
Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind and THC makes you compliant and passive, that’s why.
Nothing quite frees the mind like a dangerous and expensive addiction. Everybody knows that.
It's interesting to watch marijuana go from being bad because it encourages deviance to being bad because it encourages compliance. https://t.co/WTE4xJG9wt
— Christian Britschgi (@christianbrits) January 21, 2023
Between being anti-vax and pro-cigarette, I'm completely convinced that rightwing media's endgoal is just to kill off its entire audience. https://t.co/J4YTwlRNOG
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) January 21, 2023
The Nicotine will set you free, said no one with a molecule of morality in 2023. https://t.co/GSRbwo7Gnt
— Charles Adler (@charlesadler) January 21, 2023
owning the libs by killing the base https://t.co/JL85INQ74p
— abdullah (@AShihipar) January 21, 2023
Everybody else's cigarettes are poisonous. Tucker's are freeing. pic.twitter.com/BsHtT0wjtY
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) January 21, 2023
Pro death. https://t.co/m0W9F5L2mM
— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) January 21, 2023
Was this written by Philip Morris? https://t.co/YsHiKH6WSr
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) January 21, 2023
— el rad hubbard (@anar_christ) January 21, 2023
The fact that this isn't in black and white, on film and recorded 60 years ago is baffling. https://t.co/GCovX9ytjw
— Nick Weig (@tbweig) January 23, 2023
conservatives turning nicotine cigarettes into a culture war issue would be incredible https://t.co/19bNJNddkb
— AquaImperium (@aquaimperium8) January 21, 2023
I despise Tucker more than words can express, BUT I have to say I am kind of enjoying his spiral into complete insanity https://t.co/xrd2555l3A
— Noah Smith
(@Noahpinion) January 21, 2023
Science says that quitting nicotine is the same as quitting heroin or fox news. https://t.co/IVJWXEK8cr
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) January 21, 2023
Tucker Carlson proving once and for all that he is one of the dumbest people on the planet … or he doesn't actually believe this bullshit, but he just knows that his viewers are the dumbest people on the planet. https://t.co/Se5aOhI4mD
— Better Call Shohei (@Back4More_2022) January 23, 2023
Tucker must have a very lucrative speaking gig for the Academy of Tobacco Studies coming up. https://t.co/pE4gjKnpy9
— Matt Ortega (@MattOrtega) January 21, 2023
I’m surprised he didn’t go full Sir Humphrey Appleby:
“Cigarette taxes pay for a third of the cost of the National Health service. We're saving many more lives than we otherwise could, because of those smokers who voluntary lay down their lives for their friends.” pic.twitter.com/NVKAItQJbO
— Mark Strauss (@MarkDStrauss) January 21, 2023
We’re just waiting for the revelation that Tucker Carlson is just a long-running SNL character in deep cover.
This Tucker Carlson supercut from a single episode is both hilarious and mildly terrifying
Source Acyn Image Screengrab