
12 maps and charts from @geo.facts_ to make you say “Really??”

Who doesn’t like an interesting map? Clearly not you since you’re bothering to read this. The Instagram account Geo Facts – or @geo.facts_ – is a treasure trove of them, plus some statistics charts that contain a few surprises.

We gathered some favourites.

1. How do they enforce it?

2. A mere technicality

3. We didn’t expect Sweden to be a spoilsport

4. We’re all criminals

5. For now

6. Awkward

7. ¿Dónde está la biblioteca?

8. Everyone’s out of step but our Johnny

9. Not counting money from shares, property, handouts from donors, speaking engagements …

10. It must be a bit crowded down there

11. 10 Bow-wowning Street

12. Oh, Trump – you scamp!

BONUS – As it’s nearly St. Valentine’s Day …


23 of the funniest maps from ‘Terrible Maps’ on Twitter

Source Geo Facts Image Geo Facts, Sky on Pexels