
This epic ‘malicious compliance’ takedown of a super unhelpful obnoxious builder is A++

There’s a corner of Reddit called ‘malicious compliance’ which features people ‘conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request’.

And this is a fabulously funny example, someone who kept getting bothered by calls to a builder because he used to use the same mobile number, only for him to be super obnoxious when he was asked to help out.

So the person who kept getting the calls did this, and it’s A++, as shared by fin008.

Doesn’t get much more satisfying than that. And here are just a few of the many comments it prompted.

‘Absolute gem, thanks for sharing. Got a little chuckle myself.’

‘I loved that story. I changed my number a few years ago and learned the last guy likes to skip on bills and payments.

‘I always respectfully let the agents know I was the new owner. Most assumed I was lying. I then had no end of fun telling them all sorts of stuff just to fuck with them. One threatened to sue me. I said go ahead, I’m not even the right guy.,eventually it stopped.’

‘I loved the grit of your response!’

‘After all that abrasion it was time to load that off to someone else.’

‘At my first corporate job, I was given a mobile phone for work stuff. Apparently this number was previously assigned to another mobile belonging to quite a character

‘I used to get calls from people looking for a “Dwayne” and looking for a “hookup of that good shit”. The first few times I politely say “wrong number”.

‘They would never believe me and it started getting obscene with the late night calls and texts (had to keep the phone on when on-call duty).

‘Eventually I started answering “DEA Field Office, Narcotics Division, Agent Smith speaking. What is the purpose of your call?” if I didn’t have the number saved. The late night drug calls stopped after two or three times doing that.’

‘If he actually didn’t have the brains to foresee how this would end, I fear for every structure he’s built.’

Source u/fin008 Image Unsplash Callum Hill