
Trump: The Taliban don’t fight at night because they don’t have binoculars

In today’s episode of ‘Trump Must be a SNL Character, Surely?‘, we present to you not one, but two – TWO – astonishing theories from the artist formally known as ‘Mr. President, please don’t drink that bleach!’

They are very good fighters, the Taliban but they never fight at night because they don’t have binoculars.

We have given them brand new, thousands of binoculars, better than what we have.

As election campaigning goes, it’s not immediately obvious how it’s supposed to connect with …well, anyone other than The Campaign to Retrieve Taliban Binoculars, which has a membership of two, maybe three thousand at most.

The US did leave behind equipment, including night-vision goggles, but there are no American troops in Afghanistan, so we’re not sure what point he’s trying to make.

We’re not convinced he knew, either.

This hits the nail on the head.


One Republican voted for Donald Trump to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives

Source Acyn Image Screengrab