
This Tinder joke deserved to fly but ended up seriously stinging

As we never tired of saying, we’re not on Tinder – well, not yet – and everything we know about it suggests we would be very bad at it indeed.

Here’s another exhibit to add to the towering pile, a joke that was actually quite good but crashed and burned in spectacular fashion.

‘I thought it was decent lol (her name was Abby),’ said ShadowingViper who shared it over on Reddit.

Honey! That’s got to sting.

‘I thought your opener was cute and clever personally. But hey, wtf do I know man. I don’t even work here.’

‘Yikes, she definitely radiates wasp energy.’

‘Bees are amazing and anyone should feel lucky to be compared to one.’

‘HOW dare you.’

‘She is a weirdo.’

Source Reddit u/ShadowingViper