
This Brazilian driving school ad is fabulously done and it took us far too long to get it

This Brazilian driving school ad – not a phrase we’ve knowingly used before – has just gone wildly viral on Reddit and it’s just fabulously done.

Probably the less introduction the better, only to say that it took us far too long to realise exactly what we were looking at (like a lot of people, we thought it was the other way round …).

In the unlikely event the driving school doesn’t work out, a career in moving pictures surely beckons.

‘My man has the physical mannerisms spot on.’

‘Holy shit, for the first like 5-10 seconds I thought this was actually GTA. Impressive!’

‘I watched the whole video through thinking “what’s special about this?, It’s just GTA.”

‘I was going to say he’s got that awkward ass jump down perfectly.’

‘I honestly thought this was in-game with graphics up to 11.’

‘GTA VII: Rio de Janeiro.’

Source Reddit u/Vhad42