
This magnificently petty response to a professor’s laptop ban is A++

Back in our day we didn’t have laptops in lectures – we had to write everything down with a pen. Imagine that!

But this particular professor’s not keen on students bringing their laptops into class. So much so that he banned them, so one student decided to do this and it’s surely worthy of an A++.

Top marks!

‘This guy has upper management material written all over him.’

‘I had a professor that would lock the door so that if you left to go to the bathroom, you couldn’t get back in.

‘I cracked the door and plopped down my bag to keep it open. He stopped class to yell at me for disrupting his lecture. I reported him. Turns out I wasn’t the first to do so.’

‘Why would he ban laptops?’

‘It’s “distracting.”

‘Draw on a little chalkboard and make it screech.’

‘Once that’s banned, I’d move to clay tablets but take up like four desks with my styluses.’

‘I’m a professor and I laughed out loud at this. Why would any professor ban laptops? That’s how most students take notes now.’

‘Bring in an entire desktop computer.

‘It’s not a laptop.’

Source Reddit u/Dapper-Masterpiece29