
Comeback of the day

Latest in an occasional series, comeback of the day is surely this, a perfectly pitched takedown of this ‘pretty gay’ bigot.

‘Beautiful censorship, beautiful murder, 10/10,’ said Lodginere who shared it over on Reddit.


‘The army will teach you how to sew, iron, polish boots, sweep, mop, clean toilets, wash dishes, and guard the perimeter with lethal efficiency. Pretty good training for any husband.’

‘Well damn. Gotta go inform my husband who cooks, cleans, and sews, that he’s gay.’

‘So, when I divorced and had care of my two girls, when I had to learn to tie braids, sew hems on dresses, cook, clean etc and just be a FUCKING adult, I was gay, huh?

‘So be it – even if wrong, it doesn’t matter. “Gay” shouldnt be a slur. Is that the best this infantile moron can come up with? Shhhhh, little one – the adults are talking, here.’

Source Reddit u/Lodginere