‘No, logo!’ 17 hilarious logo fails which should never have got past the first draft
10. ‘Unfortunate door/logo placement on this plane’
11. ‘My Son Who Just Started To Read, “Hell Baby. Hell Baby. Hell Baby!!!”
12. ‘Designer: Can you describe the logo you’d like? Client: It should have a leaky pipe. But instead of fixing it, our plumber just puts his finger in there. And btw, it should still leak after he does that’
13. ‘A “cheerleading” logo in a town close to me…’
14. ‘It really feels like the Packers logo could have replaced a different letter here…’
15. ‘This logo for “Old Town North”
16. ‘The flip zone has a rule of “NO BACKFLIPS” when there is literally a guy backflipping in the logo’
17. ‘This yogurt using biohazards symbol as its logo’
No, logo!
H/T BoredPanda