13 supremely savage comebacks from which there was simply no return
If you like a good comeback then you’ve come to the right place, 13 of the all-time most popular examples from the corner of Reddit called – you guessed it – ‘comebacks’.
1. ‘Stubborn? I just know what I want. And he was begging with the 🥺’
3. ‘She shouldn’t have asked’
4. ‘Gottem in 3 words’
5. ‘This comeback is just great 😂’

6. ‘Alphabetically …’
7. ‘I suppose I should be like you?’
8. ‘Bruh’
9. ‘It really would tho’
10. ‘Burn 🔥’
11. ‘He has his whole life planned out’
12. ‘This one from my childhood is still the one that gets me the most’
Source Reddit r/Comebacks