Bad day? Could be worse, your boot could just have opened in the car wash
There’s a whole genre of posts that begin with ‘Bad day? Could be worse …’ and this is surely from the very top drawer.
It’s from the subReddit called ‘What could go wrong?’ and, well, best have a watch for yourself.
‘I love how many times the roller stops, asks itself if this is normal, and then just proceeds anyway.’
NASTYH0USEWIFE‘It’s nice to have a stupid car which doesn’t have the option to automatically open trunk.’
Doctored_Butter_Free‘Boy, that escalated slowly.’
soundyg‘Did the driver have headphones on or something? Surely the sound of water spraying in the back of the car was a warning.’
DaveLesh‘Surely the KRRRRFCHKKKKKKK BRRRRRKKKK of the boot hinges fucking snapping was a warning.’
ultimatetadpole‘I was disappointed there wasn’t a second pass in reverse so it could shut it for them.’
Source Reddit u/gloworm62