
The only response you need to any employers dissing ‘rage applying’

You’ll no doubt already be familiar with the concept of ‘quiet quitting’ AKA basically just doing your job and nothing more.

Well now there’s a whole new buzzword for staff not entirely happy with the terms and conditions of their employment – ‘rage applying’.

It’s for people who apply to multiple jobs at the same time just to get the hell out of wherever they are working now and it’s fair to say it’s prompted contempt and disapproval from some corporate types.

And this, from ‘Comedian. Writer. Generally Nervous Person’ Scott Seis, is surely the only response you need.

@scottseiss #fyp #bgcdramaeffect #work #rageapply #quietquitting ♬ original sound – Scott Seiss

The clip’s just gone viral on Reddit and here are our favourite things people said about it.

‘100% approved and accurate. The Boomer want slaves, not employees that can be given the dignity and self-respect to have a say over their own bodies and family/ work life balance.

‘Possessive over their companies and corporations, they can’t stand input from what they consider non-humans, even though those people make their company run.’

‘Companies out there starting to sound like incels.’

‘If someone could just point me to the source of these buzzwords, the think tank or whatever that is spawning them, i’ll just.. well, don’t worry i’ll take care of the rest. kthx.

‘That Hunger Games ref definitely got me🤣🤣🤣.’

‘You can technically call it rage applying. When job changed policies that pretty much pissed off the whole team, me and my coworkers were applying for new jobs within the hour. Lol.’

Source TikTok @scottseiss H/T Reddit u/bloodsoakedmuppet