27 cool guides which are both informative and lovely to look at
15. ‘Different shades of light’
16. ‘Solves the confusion regarding the British Isles’
17. ‘Guide to pain scale’
18. ‘Plant watering guide’
19. Epicurean Paradox
20. ‘How to pack a hiking bag’
21. ‘Tally marks are different around the world’
22. ‘Paranormal belief in the United States, 2017’
23. How to move 1,000 people
24. ‘Check your eggs’
25. ‘The difference in vision between predator and prey’
26. ‘A Restaurant Guide For How You Want Your Steak Cooked’
27. How the Mayans *actually* wrote the numbers 1-20
Lots more cool guides on Reddit here!
Source Reddit r/coolguides