
There was a most unfortunate error with this hand washer/dryer installation

See if you can spot the schoolboy error with this hand washer/dryer installation. (Clue – it’s not just the captions).


As you can probably tell by now, it’s not meant to work like that. Let this person explain.

‘Its a Dyson Airblade that has been incorrectly fitted.

‘These are not supposed to be fitted to flat bottom sinks for the reason you show, Dyson produce cad drawings showing sink designs that are compatible.

‘It also looks to have been installed too low, therefore too close to the sink.

‘These are also supposed to be installed in a sink without a plug (just a small grate), and directly above the drain hole. This way, as soon as the water stops, there is no water in the sink to drain down and it can’t be sprayed everywhere.

‘The air sensor can’t be accidentally triggered as the sensors work together, one stops before the other starts.

‘They do actually work really well if installed correctly.’

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Source Reddit u/Buzzlon1479