When you really fancy a sugary snack – and you’re an elephant
Thanks to u/purple-circle for sharing this clip they’ve called –
Elephants in Cambodia have learned to exploit their right of way and stop passing sugar cane trucks to steal a snack
Spoiler alert – that’s Thailand, and we have our doubts about the sound effects, but it’s still pretty cool. Redditors were very much Team Elephant.
Love how the drivers wait for the elephants to take their tax before driving off.
Man if I were the sugarcane truck driver I’d so look forward to seeing that elephant each day.
“That’s a nice truck ya got there. Would be a shame if something terrible were to happen to it. Why, yes, I’ll take some sugar cane.”
Where did I get this cane? It fell of the back of a truck.
Another reason why elephants are the best animal.
An elephant never forgets… a license plate number.
“Hey, boss… I’m going to be a bit late.”
“Yeah, it’s the elephant again”
And finally …
It’s a toll road buddy!
CascadingMonkeysNah, looks more like a trunk road.
The final elephant waving goodbye is the perfect payoff to this amazing road crossing
Source r/interestingasfuck Image Screengrab