
The SNP’s Stephen Flynn’s takedown of Rishi Sunak’s ‘stop the boats’ policy was brilliantly done

There was only one topic at PMQs on Wednesday and that was the government’s new Illegal Migration Policy, which will basically mean that anyone who arrives on a small boat will have their asylum claim deemed ‘inadmissible’.

It’s prompted no end of criticism, from Gary Lineker to the United Nations, with Home Secretary Suella Braverman attempting to justify it with frankly barmy numbers that had Suzanna Reid on GMB basically asking her what planet she’s on.

And just like the GMB presenter’s question to the Home Secretary, this question, by Westminster SNP leader Stephen Flynn to prime minister Rishi Sunak, also cut through.

Stick with it full the full 45 seconds of Flynn’s question (wouldn’t bother too much with Sunak’s answer, though).

Bravo, Stephen Flynn, who’s quickly become something of a past master at this sort of thing since succeeding Ian Blackford. Remember this from a few weeks back?

And here are just a few of the things people were saying about him today.

Source Twitter @Haggis_UK