Domino rally – but with golf bags
Someone named u/esberat spotted this unfortunate sequence of events in a sports shop – and it fits perfectly in the r/instant_regret forum.
You can almost see the moment his soul leaves his body.
Whoever put those things up there knew one day this would happen.
This is 100% on the manager that told them to “Just put them up there. It will be fine.”
“How should we display these bags?”
“Line ’em up like dominoes on a high shelf, of course. But don’t space ’em out, lean ’em against each other like a house of cards.”
At least secure them with a hook or something. One bag falling over shouldn’t make them all fall to the floor.
The store is entirely at fault. If those fall on someone and injure them, that’s a paddling, err lawsuit.
I would have tucked myself under the pile and pretended to be an injured victim.
The way he drops the bag from his hand in complete surrender….. I felt that
u/wobbly-cheese wasn’t satisfied.
Finish the job buddy, those other ones need a push.
Not even Mr Bean could have made this Valentine’s gifts fail more slapstick than it is
Source r/instant_regret Image Screengrab