
Gary Lineker had the devastating final word for a troll who suggested he wasn’t being entirely honest

The Gary Lineker saga finally came to an end at the weekend after the Match of the Day man returned to presenting duties after his (briefest of) suspensions by BBC bosses.

It was a largely low key affair for the MotD presenter, who marked his comeback like this on Twitter.

Although it didn’t go entirely to plan when this happened …

Among other things, Lineker also shared this Mirror story about one of the refugees he has been welcoming into his home for some time now.

Not everyone was impressed, however, including this particular person who suggested Lineker was somehow ‘pulling the wool’ over people’s eyes (presumably).

It prompted no end of totally on-point responses …

But the final word belonged to Lineker, naturally.

And just in case she wanted to know precisely where to double check …

Peep, peep, peeeeeeep!

Source Twitter @GaryLineker