
These 27 fabulous real-life ‘Easter eggs’ are making everyone’s day better

You’ll be familiar with the idea of ‘Easter eggs’ in films and on TV, little secret hidden treats left by the makers for the audience to stumble upon and enjoy.

Well these 27 ‘Easter eggs’ are just like that except they’re in real life, which makes them a million times better, obviously.

They all appear in the corner of Reddit called ‘IRLEasterEggs’ – figures – and it’s a proper joy.



2. “Use bare hand now” on the roll from dog poop bags’


3. ‘When you’re being Rickrolled silently’


4. ‘IRL Ant-Man’


5. ‘Bottom Of Milk Carton’


6. ‘Thats sooo coool!’


7. ‘Interesting message on a pillow’


8. ‘The new subway cars in Stockholm have some interesting ventilation covers’


9. ‘Products will flee’


10. ‘Found while digging through some old CAT5 cables at work’


11. ‘Canadian Passport When Held Under UV Light’


12. ‘ This Definitely Caught Me Off Guard’


13. ‘Ha. Beetle’


14. ‘Damn, Okay T-Shirt’