
These construction workers filling up the kid’s digger is today’s loveliest thing (by several truckloads)

If you see a lovelier thing than this today then, well, we really want to see it.

It’s some construction workers making this kid’s day by filling up his digger and it turns out it wasn’t just his day they made better.

These construction workers filled a kid’s toy truck with dirt to make his day
by u/amish_novelty in aww

Awwww! And here are our favourite things people said about it.

‘That’s some precision dirt moving there.’

‘There are guys that can pop bottle caps off with those things.

‘I used to work in the field. I can tell you it made everyone’s day.’

‘Yes! That was the first thing I noticed. Every guy out there stopped what he was doing to watch the dirt guy. Awwww. My dad was a residential housing contractor so I basically cut my teeth on construction sites.

‘The crews were always saving interesting cuts of wood, rope, pieces of metal for me to play with. I had sets of wooden blocks named after me. The guys would show me how to do things. It was a priceless education.

‘I had forgotten about that until I saw your lovely post and suddenly I remembered that the crews really did seem to enjoy having a kid around. Thanks for reminding me.’

‘The way he bounces with excitement when the digger starts to pour the dirt into the truck is absolutely adorable.’

‘Most of us construction workers are still children at heart. We like shiny stuff, machines, and loud noises.
Absolutely we’re going to do whatever to make a kid’s day.’

Source Reddit u/amish_novelty