Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler being scared by the size of this Aussie reporter is today’s funniest 43 seconds
Here’s a memorable red carpet exchange to put right up there with Hugh Grant’s fabulous pre-Oscars turn.
It’s Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler talking to Australian journalist Brad Blanks. But it’s not for the pair’s most recent movie, Murder Mystery 2, but the Just Go With It premiere (no, us neither) back in 2011.
The clip’s just gone wildly viral again on Reddit and if the key word for Grant’s performance was ‘deadpan’ then the only one for this is big. Very big.
Keep watching …
Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston are shocked by the size of an Australian reporter
by u/holyfruits in funny
The best thing about it – everything. The worst thing – he didn’t get to ask a question at the end of it (not that he seemed too disappointed).
“Put your hat on”, that’s hilarious.’
ModsBannedMyMainAcc‘Legitimately a perfect joke.
‘You can tell the exact moment he spots the roof too, he lifts his eyes for a second at 0:15 and about 2 seconds later he says the roof line.
‘Never thought much about Adam Sandler’s standup comedy but that’s the mind of a comedic genius at work right there.’
Pr3st0ne‘They “were scared…of my brutish height.” 😂’
LockeAbout‘Her eyes when he stood up.’
expensivelyexpansive“Oh my god! That’s awful!” Exactly how you want Adam Sandler to respond when he sees you. Lol.’
skilas‘Jennifer: What are you getting in the way — OH I SEE! 🤣’
And just in case, like us, it made you want another watch of this …
hugh grant wants no part of this dumb shit pic.twitter.com/uBQ70QcZGf
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) March 12, 2023
Source Reddit u/holyfruits