A toddler lost a shoe at the zoo and an elephant came to the rescue
We very much hope the rest of this elephant’s enclosure is more inspiring and lush than the bit in the video. Redditor u/yuMyuMKrooravani posted the clip to r/BeAmazed, explaining –
Elephant Returns Child’s Shoe That Fell Into Zoo Enclosure!
Elephant Returns Child’s Shoe That Fell Into Zoo Enclosure!
by u/yuMyuMKrooravani in BeAmazed
It’s more endearing than amazing, but it still got a lot of upvotes. Here are a few things people had to say about it.
Reason number 1737384937374 why animals are cooler than humans.
He better got paid in peanuts for that gesture!
Elephant: Please keep your smelly trash with you.
Elephants are bros. So many stories of them being kind to humans.
Left his trunk up there after, like, “where are my peanuts?!”
Onestepbeyond3 hit the nail on the head.
It’s lovely to see them, and being caring too! 😃 It’s a damn shame they can’t live in peace in their own environment 🌳🐘
When you really fancy a sugary snack – and you’re an elephant
Source r/BeAmazed Image Screengrab