
Ben Affleck attempting to have a cigarette while being constantly bothered for selfies is a weirdly captivating watch

You’ll probably be familiar with that meme of Ben Affleck having a peaceful smoke. But just in case …

And the image makes a whole lot more sense when you watch this, a video of the star attempting to have a quiet cigarette while being constantly interrupted for selfies and it’s a weirdly captivating watch. It is!

To smoke a cigarette peacefully.
by u/126-875-358 in therewasanattempt

The clip has gone wildly viral on Reddit and here are our favourite things people said about it.

‘For a celeb he’s being very accommodating. Nice!’

‘That meme of him finally having a peaceful smoke makes so much more sense now lol.’

‘Seems like he’s handling it surprisingly well.’

‘I think the millions of dollars and adoration takes some of the sting out of it.’

‘Least relaxing cigarette ever.’

‘This phenomenon of not being able to enjoy a cigarette outside as a celebrity, is actually becoming called the Ben Afflection …’

‘Such a disgusting habit, when I see celebrities, I never ask them for pictures.’

Source Reddit u/126-875-358