It’s fair to say the trip on this driving simulator didn’t go entirely to plan
Back in the day there was no substitute for simply getting into the driver’s seat, doing your checks, and hitting the road for the first time.
Nowadays driving simulations come a little bit closer to replicating the real thing without it actually being, you know, the real thing.
And thank goodness for that, if this particular simulated trip is anything to go by. It’s fair to say it didn’t go entirely to plan and it’s an (unintentionally) very funny ride.
Driving simulator doesn’t go according to plan
by u/alanboston in funny
And here are just a few of the things people said about it.
‘Give bro the brake pedal.’
TheMinionGamer‘I just love how not once did they think they might need to put on the brake.’
Intelligent-Ad66‘There was nothing he could do, the sim has no air horn cord.’
yew420‘It’s also incredibly unfair. The bus’ lights aren’t flashing and the stop sign isn’t extended. That kid’s death is on the bus. Though, he should have stopped to peel the little guy off the grill. At least give the family some closure.’
kakurenbo1‘One of the most important things my driving instructor told me was that every time you pass a bus in a bus stop, you should expect that pedestrians will walk out from behind it (just like here).
They can’t see you and you can’t see them, but they want to get to the other side quickly and don’t think much about it. It was such a useful thing to learn before learning it the hard way!’
Source Reddit u/alanboston