A scammer pretending to be Hugh Jackman was given a taste of their own medicine and it’s magnificent
You may very well know by now the work of Becky Holmes – @deathtospinach on Twitter – who is something of a past master at giving scammers entirely the treatment they deserve.
Becky’s particular speciality is takedowns of scammers pretending to be celebrities such as Keanu Reeves and, in this case, Hugh Jackman.
And this particular exchange is straight out of the top drawer.
I’ve been messaged by a few scammers recently so you can imagine how relieved I was to finally be contacted by a genuine celebrity (I asked him and he said it was really him)
It turns out that Hugh Jackman is every bit the gentleman I thought he would be, if a little formal… pic.twitter.com/vkU90TNwWa
— Becky Holmes hates spinach (@deathtospinach) May 2, 2023
And here’s how it went in full.
“Ok that’s nice” – sounds like he wasn’t really listening at the end there
— Tronk (@TessW62) May 2, 2023
Oh nonsense
— Becky Holmes hates spinach (@deathtospinach) May 2, 2023
Can I ask when training is available for witches in the Birmingham area?
— the discombobulated one (@thequietone_96) May 2, 2023
It’s been and gone I’m afraid
— Becky Holmes hates spinach (@deathtospinach) May 2, 2023
To conclude …
Priceless. As per, from @deathtospinach
— James Dreyfus (@DreyfusJames) May 2, 2023
And in the unlikely event you don’t already, follow @deathtospinach on Twitter here!
Source Twitter @deathtospinach