It got very lively on last night’s Newsnight and it’s quite the watch
We’re not sure we’ve seen a livelier edition of Newsnight than this, when Alastair Campbell – stick with us – was talking Brexit – seriously, stick with us – last night.
Tony Blair’s former right hand man was in the studio with presenter Victoria Derbyshire and former Brexit Party MEP and UKIP head of media, Alex Phillips.
And this happened.
Oh dear. 💥 SPARKS FLYING over at #Newsnight over Brexit, between @campbellclaret, @ThatAlexWoman, and @vicderbyshire. ~AA pic.twitter.com/8xV1UbkdH7
— Best for Britain (@BestForBritain) May 11, 2023
Here’s what Phillips said about it later.
I came off air shaking at his rudeness.
Quite astonishing.
Let’s have a political debate but this was outright bullying, intimidation and frankly thinly veiled misogyny.
I would feel quite ashamed of myself if I acted like that on air. It was not a good look https://t.co/UAaERZmnco
— Alex Phillips (@ThatAlexWoman) May 11, 2023
And Campbell had this to say.
Accepted it was not exactly disagreeing agreeably but I think every now and then people who are given a free ride to talk absolute nonsense and face no responsibility for their role in damage to the nation are challenged. Added to which I wish I had known about your 1/2 https://t.co/CBrKNVs4pf
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) May 12, 2023
Cambridge Analytica history. Anyway nice to meet you @ThatAlexWoman Next time we can go into detail on your claim that Brexit has improved living standards for the poor. 2/2
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) May 12, 2023
And also this.
Agreed re @vicderbyshire – apologised to her afterwards. She is one of the best. But it is infuriating to seek to debate serious issues with people who despite all the damage their beloved Brexit has done continue to talk absolute rubbish eg about how EU law was made or econ 1/2 https://t.co/o9mYrF2NXQ
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) May 11, 2023
And here are just a few of the things people were saying about it.
Amazing stuff from @campbellclaret….
Holding both the Brexit shills and BBC to account
…and have you noticed?
When you point out their lies, their only defence is to call you rude.
— Marina Purkiss (@MarinaPurkiss) May 12, 2023
Brexit is a cult and as such a religion. The divine prophecy, however, is never going to come because it's built on a mile high heap of utter horseshit. So it's high priests and faithful believers have to keep pretending that "it hasn't happened yet" or "not been done properly". https://t.co/LvyJs5ErG6
— Otto English (@Otto_English) May 12, 2023
The pro-Brexit arguments are completely falling apart now. Watch the “But real Brexit hasn’t been tried yet” line come to pieces in real time here:pic.twitter.com/kix2CAoGGA
— Nick Tyrone (@NicholasTyrone) May 12, 2023
Last night on Newsnight Alistair Campbell (@campbellclaret) said, “You bring Brexiters on, you never challenge them. You let them talk utter rubbish about Brexit. And it’s happened on the BBC for year after year after year.”
Do you agree with him?
As always, comments welcome.
— Jason Pedlow 💙 (@JasonPedlow) May 12, 2023
Source Twitter @BestForBritain