Social Media

A Facebook snooping session had absolutely mortifying consequences due to a major glitch

A recent – and thankfully now fixed – Facebook glitch was an absolute nightmare for anyone who enjoys a good snoop on the platform.

Instead of being a relatively harmless and secret activity as usual, looking at profiles of people not already a Facebook friend caused a friend request to be generated, and one of those who really fell foul of it was Australian TikTok user Kimmy – @kimmysnail.

She explained what happened.

Watch on TikTok

I added my ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago. I added his wife. I added my eighth-grade science teacher.

I added friends of my boyfriend, their girlfriends, who I’ve never met. I’ve never even met his friends. We’re quite new in this relationship, so to do that is really fucking weird.

The level of secondhand mortification is off the charts. TikTok users reacted –

I panic deleted my account 😂

I’ve had to cancel a job interview because I didn’t add just one, but the two people that were interviewing me. I can’t show my face.

Someone was looking out for me that day I didn’t have my usual deep dive 😅
Britt Amber

Both myself and my partner got a request from his ex gf 😂

This will go down as one of the worst glitches in history. I’m still too scared to click on anyone’s pages.
Poppy Victoria Grace Katherine

My dentist and my partner’s uncle added me, somehow the uncle deleted the request but the dentist didn’t 😆

This is why I have two profiles. One for snooping and then my real one. My fake has a name that’s so far from my real no one will ever guess.

Reason 2356 to delete Facebook

Brit was a bit disappointed to learn about the glitch.

This might be the most humbled I’ve ever been because I received no friend requests.


15 truly WTF moments from No Context UK Facebook

Source Kimmy Image Screengrab