
The instant regret of this guy captured live on TV news is a painfully funny watch

To be filed under ‘what happens when you are in the background of a live TV news report, and what the TV news reporter says directly affects you …’

It’s a clip that’s gone viral on Reddit after it was shared by FuturisticFighting who said: ‘Guy finds out live from the news reporter that the benches recently removed had bed bugs in them.’

Guy finds out live from the news reporter that the benches recently removed had bed bugs in them
by u/FuturisticFighting in WatchPeopleDieInside

Not for nothing was it shared in the corner of Reddit called ‘watch people die inside’.

‘Poor guy was like “shit which bench did I sit on earlier?”

‘Y’all I’ve had bedbugs. It’s traumatizing as fuck when you keep getting rid of them but your neighbours don’t.’

‘Never seen someone regret being near a bench so much in my life.’

Source Reddit u/FuturisticFighting