Elon Musk said it was ‘morally wrong’ to work from home and was owned into next year
Space botherer Elon Musk isn’t keen on people working from home, you might not be surprised to learn.
Not only is he not keen, the Tesla CEO thinks it’s actually ‘morally wrong’ to do everything that your job requires you to do without leaving your home.
Here’s what he had to say (what do you mean you’re not interested?)
Elon Musk says work-from-home is “morally wrong” — here’s why. https://t.co/Khw4HJnj0t pic.twitter.com/ERQSurxOJT
— CNBC (@CNBC) May 17, 2023
And it prompted no end of responses, as you might imagine, not all of them from people still in their pyjamas sat on the sofa.
Here are our favourites.
Letting a billionaire tell you anything about morality is insane. https://t.co/GOw7UaW7pA
— The Head DEI In Charge (@Dreadful4Tymes) May 18, 2023
If you’re able to preform your job from home, working from home is a great option.
On the other hand, an economy that allows multi-billionaires to exist while people go hungry and unhoused is morally wrong. https://t.co/ubMjrtiPdA
— Nina Turner (@ninaturner) May 18, 2023
It’s morally wrong to not commute to work in a Tesla https://t.co/XNryguZzzk
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) May 18, 2023
No, Elon. It's morally wrong that billionaires like yourself pay a lower tax rate than a nurse while each & every year 68,000 Americans die because they can't afford healthcare, 500,000 Americans go bankrupt because of medical debt & 60% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck. https://t.co/e0jxZASmHA
— Warren Gunnels (@GunnelsWarren) May 18, 2023
Great. I hope every single one of Elon's employees never check their email, answer the phone, or do anything else for his companies unless they're in the building and on the clock. https://t.co/rtZe1ScKdv
— I Smoked Steve Bannon (@BlackKnight10k) May 18, 2023
EMusk should be respected for normalizing being this dumb. https://t.co/X79JvfW9nx
— Josh Sawyer (@jesawyer) May 18, 2023
By that logic,
– Driving cars are morally wrong because there are people who don't have cars.
– Eating food is morally wrong because there are people who don't have thatI can go on and on. Remote work is a privilege, yes. But so are many other things. https://t.co/oMS1UdEXeo
— Sooraj Chandran (@soorajchandran_) May 18, 2023
lmao, is he seriously trying to make people believe he gives two shits about factory workers or food delivery workers? this is just typical boss behavior, trying to divide the workers https://t.co/WibH2M5yHP
— Paris Marx (@parismarx) May 18, 2023
If he thinks it's morally wrong for some people to have to work at a factory/office while other people can work from home, I wonder how he feels about some people being unable to afford a home to live in after a day of work while some others have a fortune of 175 000 000 000 USD. https://t.co/zDrvMSQU9N
— CritiCold (@ColdCriti) May 18, 2023
In short …
Hahahahaha pic.twitter.com/zebwWkitD0
— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) May 18, 2023
Source Twitter @CNBC