
Yvette Cooper nailed Suella Braverman’s colours to the mast of her sinking ship

Suella Braverman must get a sinking feeling whenever she sees her opposite number, Yvette Cooper, get to her feet – because, from day one, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary has called out Braverman’s professional failings.

Here she is, for example, trying to get to the bottom of what the Home Secretary does all day.

On Monday, she grilled the Home Secretary on the speeding charge debacle and her fitness for the job.

She’s failing to deliver for the British people too.

Breaching security, even though she’s responsible for it, trying to avoid penalties, even though she sets them. Reappointed even after breaking the Ministerial Code, and criticising Home Office policies, even though she’s in charge of them and is failing – on knife crime, on Channel crossings, on immigration and more.

If the Home Secretary cannot get a grip on her own rule-breaking behaviour, how can she get a grip on anything else?

This was Twitter’s verdict.

Many people must have wondered this.


Watch Yvette Cooper eviscerate Suella Braverman with a brutal inventory of her time in office

Source Yvette Cooper Image Screengrab