Johnson’s lawyers may have spotted Covid lawbreaking at Chequers in his diaries – 23 best reactions
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the political waters – okay, not safe, but not full of Boris Johnson‘s misdemeanours – along comes Partygate 2: The Revenge.
Boris Johnson has been referred to the police by the Cabinet Office over new claims he broke lockdown rules at Downing Street and Chequers during the coronavirus pandemic
Story w/ @Steven_Swinford @Fhamiltontimes https://t.co/CkoUupnF3i
— Henry Zeffman (@hzeffman) May 23, 2023
The irony is that the Cabinet Office was obliged to pass on the information to the police because the legal fees are being covered by the taxpayer. If he’d paid for his own lawyers, this probably wouldn’t have made it into the public domain.
The revelations that Boris Johnson has been referred to police over alleged lockdown parties at Chequers only came to light because Rishi Sunak’s government agreed to foot his legal bills for the Covid inquiry…https://t.co/VC0NhUmumV
— Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) May 23, 2023
There’s undoubtedly a lesson in there somewhere – and we don’t expect Johnson to learn it.
Twitter had every bit as much sympathy as you’d expect.
As long as I live, I will never understand how these people don't go completely mad simply trying to keep track of how their lies match up with all their other lies. https://t.co/L3frlrgO0n
— Hugo Rifkind (@hugorifkind) May 23, 2023
If Keir Starmer's curry with colleagues was worth 12 Daily Mail front pages, this must be good for at least a month's worth…https://t.co/rw1edqkV5F
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) May 23, 2023
is this what it’s like to be in purgatory https://t.co/10rYLWfRRK
— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) May 23, 2023
— Adam Kay (@amateuradam) May 23, 2023
First picture from Chequers has leaked pic.twitter.com/4KsaVxfJRv
— HappyToast★ (@IamHappyToast) May 23, 2023
Oh Boris had committed more crimes than the ones we originally knew about? I haven't been this surprised since….the last times the Tories totally shit the bed idk. Lunchtime I guess.
— Sooz Kempner🐀 (@SoozUK) May 23, 2023
Boris Johnson has been referred to the police for breaking lockdown rules at Chequers. He must be relieved that his legal fees are being paid for by taxpayers. https://t.co/WYuE1Nk6mH
— Parody Rishi Sunak (@Parody_PM) May 23, 2023
At this stage it would be easier to ascertain if there were any occasions at all when Boris Johnson actually followed any of the rules that he imposed on everyone else. https://t.co/LR4waRCqB4
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) May 23, 2023
Boris Johnson is getting more police attention than any prime minister in this country’s history
Not one more penny of taxpayers money should be gifted to him
He can spend his donors money https://t.co/pl1RqNdN5r— nazir afzal (@nazirafzal) May 23, 2023
Johnson referred to 2 Police Forces by the Cabinet Office for FURTHER breaches of Covid rules
His defence lawyers are being paid for by us – £250,000 so farJust go away Boris once and for all
You disgust decent people with your lies and greedhttps://t.co/92DEbqNh5l— Carol Vorderman (@carolvorders) May 23, 2023
So Boris Johnson’s further potential rule-breaking has been reported by the publicly funded lawyers helping to prepare him for the Covid inquiry. Extraordinary.
There are genuinely Tory MPs who want this guy back as PM! https://t.co/FHq7emrIOy
— Liam Thorp (@LiamThorpECHO) May 23, 2023
It’s always the ones you least suspect, isn’t it. https://t.co/jwNdOOtkCt
— Jason (@NickMotown) May 23, 2023