Apple’s new $3,500 Vision Pro headset isn’t on everyone’s wish list – 23 funny takes
Apple has launched its new augmented reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, which users will be able to control using their eyes and voice, as well as interacting with their apps with a mere wave of the hand.
Apple CEO Tim Cook shared this preview.
Welcome to the era of spatial computing with Apple Vision Pro. You’ve never seen anything like this before! pic.twitter.com/PEIxKNpXBs
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 5, 2023
One scenario in the clip might have been a misstep.
Apple's ideal use case for this product is working first thing in the morning while you make breakfast for your kid. Bleak.
Technology was supposed to relieve us from toil but it did the complete opposite so that 6 people could become richer than God. https://t.co/MwmSobuGap
— Tim Batt (@Tim_Batt) June 5, 2023
Here’s a snapshot of Twitter’s verdict.
‘Coming out tonight?’
‘no, I’ve spent $3500 to read emails in 3D’ pic.twitter.com/NQMI7L0WjL
— Toby Earle 🇺🇦 (@TobyonTV) June 6, 2023
For $3500 I will personally come to your house and move your couch closer to the TV
— Brian Merchant (@bcmerchant) June 5, 2023
Trying to reach out to friends & family on my Apple Vision Pro but I forgot to pay the monthly Apple Human Contact Subscription Fee pic.twitter.com/o8ainr1sSz
— Rob (@robrousseau) June 6, 2023
This episode of Black Mirror looks crazy pic.twitter.com/08SF5hgN4z
— Alex (@stainlessreal) June 5, 2023
The apple headset looks nice but $3500 for a headset that lets you have like really large iOS apps seems about $2000 too expensive
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) June 5, 2023
Apple Vision Pro in a nutshell pic.twitter.com/1dMmFQrxUG
— Sagar (@sagarcasm) June 6, 2023
After buying the Apple Vision Pro pic.twitter.com/F9SNZFV7bF
— Dennis N (@DennisN) June 5, 2023
instead of paying $3500 on giant Apple Goggles you can simply give me that money and I will follow you around all day and hold your phone in front of your face so you no longer have to look at your children
— Janel Comeau (@VeryBadLlama) June 5, 2023
Legitimately feels like an Onion satire video from 2008 https://t.co/22nm50MvbW
— The Blindboy Podcast (@Rubberbandits) June 6, 2023
Thanks to Apple Vision Pro
I can finally enjoy my breakfast while attending the team standup call pic.twitter.com/ch4RciijhN
— yash ⟠ (@yash_mk_) June 6, 2023
Thanks to Apple Vision Pro
Gen Z interns can no longer make excuses for not working as their cat is sitting on their computer. pic.twitter.com/b2C0C2rdyG
— yash ⟠ (@yash_mk_) June 6, 2023
For $3500 you can get a Quest 3 and the beefiest gaming computer possible to make all of your VR tasks a reality, or you can run iPad apps real big for two hours and speak to your coworkers with a synthetic face. Sure feels like a flop. https://t.co/VqN45gnnKZ
— Cooper Lund (@cooperlund) June 5, 2023