
Andrew Lloyd-Webber said political correctness means he can’t write any more musicals and Kathy Burke said it best

Showbiz news now, and Andrew Lloyd-Webber has said political correctness has made it impossible to write any more musicals, poor chap.

Here’s a little bit of what the Cats and Phantom of the Opera composer had to say.

‘If I were to be doing Evita today a lot of people would say ‘He’s not qualified to do this because he’s not Argentine. This is staggering.

‘There was a subject I really wanted to do but everybody was saying to me: You can’t, because you’re not from that country.

‘That means most shows and operas would not be allowed today because the composer is a different nationality to the subject.’

To which the only answer is surely, what’s the colour of the sky in your world, Andrew?

It prompted no end of winning comments on Twitter …

… but surely the great Kathy Burke said it best.

Not the first time she’s had us applauding this week, after she said this about Boris Johnson’s resignation amid claims of a ‘witch hunt’ against him.

To conclude …

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