This husband’s fury at his wife writing a book during her lunch breaks got just the responses he deserved
This facepalm hall of famer has just gone viral again on Reddit and it really is one for the ages.
It’s a husband who was unhappy his wife wrote a book during her lunch breaks without telling him – the very thought – and he was so disconcerted about it he felt the need to pen a letter about it.
It’s quite the read …
And got just the responses they deserved …
‘You should divorce her right away and send her my number. She can have 3 hours for lunch.’
Creative_Mushroom_51‘He really thought she could skip her lunch hour and go home an hour early? How many jobs let you do that? Not mine.’
OkeyDokey234‘Speaks volumes that the wife didn’t tell him.’
VanAgain‘Also she’s just not supposed to eat just work and hurry home to the baby? Something tells me there’s a huge discrepancy in the amount of hours spent with that child per parent.’
IndependentOk8640‘You should feel $100,000 richer, kiss your wife, and STFU.’
Source Reddit u/WideDepartments Image Pixels cottonbro studio