This most unfortunate ‘bottle rocket’ incident is surely the unlikeliest thing you’ll see this week
To be filed under ‘Well, what are the chances of that?’ comes this very short, but very funny video which has just gone viral on Reddit.
Watch closely ….
Unbelievable! And we hope she was okay, obviously …
‘It’s like Final Destination, if the destination was a minor inconvenience and a little embarrassing.’
findingmyway2‘Final Irritation.’
nickfree‘How do you explain to the girl unwittingly struck …’
billsdabills‘She’s been hit by, she’s been struck by, a smooth criminal.’
Korbiter‘You’ve got to wonder if that is the first time this has happened in human history.’
4scoreandnothing“Raul, how did the new product launch go?”
“Uh, people were swept off their feet”
Source Reddit u/rclippi