
People are baffled by the Question Time audience member who voted Leave to end safety rules for roofers

Thursday’s Question Time audience was made up entirely of people who voted for Brexit, although some had changed their minds since the referendum.

It went pretty much as you’d expect.

One audience member addressed the question ‘How much is the cost of living crisis down to Brexit?’ with this extraordinary rant.

“The reason that I wanted to come out of Brexit was because we seemed to keep to all the rules and many foreign countries didn’t.

I’m just talking about people that go up on roofs, for one thing …When they brought the rules in about the safety guards, we took that on board, but when you went to France or Germany or something, they were all up on their roofs with nothing.”

If we understand her point – and we’re not sure she does, never mind us – this is it in a nutshell.

MP Karl Turner put it like this –

Her comments caught the attention of Twitter.

It sparked a memory for one tweeter.

Just as long as the UK didn’t shoot itself in the foot over anything trivial or intangible, eh?


A Question Time audience gave the thumbs down to Boris Johnson’s Partygate ‘evidence’

Source Best For Britain Image Screengrab