
Rishi Sunak being absolutely monstered by Chris Bryant is gripping, essential viewing

Rishi Sunak was giving evidence before the House of Commons liaison committee today, which is like a super committee made up of chairs of all the other Commons committees.

We mention it because Labour MP and all-round good egg Chris Bryant – no stranger to these pages, you might be aware – took the opportunity to absolutely monster the PM.

Specifically, about Sunak’s response – or rather, lack of it – to the committee report which accused seven Tory MPs of launching an ‘unprecedented and coordinated’ campaign to undermine the Boris Johnson partygate inquiry.

It’s only just over a minute long long but it makes for gripping, essential viewing.

Had us punching the air by the end of that, absolutely brilliantly done, ruthlessly exposing Sunak for exactly who he is.

And that wasn’t all, Bryant comparing and contrasting Sunak’s reluctance to basically give a substantial opinion about basically anything with his willingness to comment on the England cricket team.

And that still wasn’t all! There was also this.

Mega oof.

And here are just a few of the things people were saying about the exchanges today.

And if it’s really put you in the mood, why not enjoy the exchange in its entirety?

Last word to the man himself. No, not Sunak.

Source Twitter @PolitlcsUK