
23 people shared the ‘sins’ banned by their extremely religious parents and it’s a proper jaw dropper


‘I had a friend in high school who brought her bible to school and read me the passage about how the snake tempted Eve because I said I thought snakes were cool.

‘She’s an atheist now.’


‘Worrying. Mom swore worrying meant you didn’t trust God.

‘Great thing to say to a kid with an anxiety disorder.’


‘Listening to secular music. I found an alarm clock that played radio stations and my brother and I would trade off nights sleeping with it under our pillows, so we could listen to the latest grunge music.

‘Also, Halloween was a sin and we had to sit in the house with the lights off.

‘Having more than one pair of ear piercings was a sin (and even getting that first set took years of convincing).

They associated puppets with the occult, so we weren’t allowed to watch Sesame Street or even most Disney movies (they contained magic, which is, you guessed it, a sin).’


‘So many things, but this one’s my favorite. Ready? Paleontologists. The idea is that the dinosaurs never actually existed and paleontologists just plant the fossils and bones to steer people away from ‘The Truth.’ Clearly the work of the devil! Eek! My eyes rolled so far back in my head they almost got stuck.’


‘My dad wouldn’t let me watch anything that had magic or monsters because he thought it would let demons into the house. This included Power Rangers, Ben 10, H20: Just Add Water, Harry Potter, Scooby Doo, and more. The most ridiculous one was not letting me watch Jessie on Disney channel. This had no magic or monsters but he thought that the pet lizard one of the characters had represented the snake that deceived Eve into eating the apple.’


‘I grew up being told that science/scientists were wrong that I shouldn’t listen to anything they said.’


‘We weren’t allowed to say heck because it’s almost sounds like saying hell and saying hell will summon demons.’


‘I wasn’t allowed to say ‘for Pete’s sake’ because Peter in the Bible was a disciple and although it wasn’t as bad as saying ‘oh my god,’ it was up there.’


‘I got a Rambo play set when I was like 8 years old. It contained a realistic looking Bowie knife and a green Buddha pendant to put around your neck.

‘My grandfather said the Buddha was filled with evil spirits and he made me throw it in a fire. The realistic looking murder knife, however, was totally fine.’


‘One time my wife’s cousin was watching Seinfeld. Their grandma, bless her heart, comes into the room, sees Seinfeld on the tv and says, ‘Turn this off right now. How could you watch this pornography?!’


‘Meditating or pretending to meditate. The Lion just came out and someone pretended to be Rafiki meditating. We all got a real big lecture on the evils of meditating and/or pretending to meditate.

‘But what really is strange to me though is that the Bible actually says to meditate.’

Source Reddit u/thecyriousone H/T Buzzfeed