
People have been sharing the mundane superpowers they want – 23 favourites

We had a question – and a wish of our own – that we recently shared with everyone.

Some of the responses didn’t seem all that mundane to us – but, anyway, these were our favourites.


Phil Ball


The ability to leave the house with plenty of time to get where I’m going. Instead of flying out the door already 10 minutes late.
Alison Chambers


The ability to remember someone’s name after asking them what their name is.
Conrad Butt


To meal plan things that the whole family eats and have the right ingredients ready at the right time.
(Mundane but pushing the limits)

Bronwen Mitchell


I’ll outmundane the pasta stakes. The ability to snap a lasagne sheet so they fit the dish without overlap.
Andy Booker


Avocado-Man – able to ripen any avocado to the point of perfection with an outstretched hand (also includes restoring over-ripe fruit).
Julian Howell


Angelica Mixele
Image: Writer’s own


To always be able to have exactly the right change in my pocket for what I’m buying?
Simon Farnes


The ability to find a shopping trolley without a wonky wheel. As it stands, I have a reverse superpower of always finding one that goes sideways rather than forwards…
Daniel Parton


A sense of timing that I arrive at a bus stop at the precise moment that I can walk straight on and never have to wait or queue.
Wayne Cowie


Being able to stare at a fly that’s come indoors so that it can find its way outside again very quickly. Instead of it buzzing around for 3 days, bumping into things before eventually winding up dead on the window sill.
Paulene Ashmore


To eat what I want without gaining weight 🤣
Yvette Horne