
Bad day? Could be worse, you could live next door to this outrageously entitled neighbour

Latest in a (very) occasional series, this week’s neighbour you’ll be very glad you don’t live next door to is surely this one.

It’s an exchange which went viral in the corner of Reddit called ‘mildly infuriating’ for reasons which will become obvious.

‘Self entitled wealthy neighbour’s response to simple question,’ said MightyShaft20 who shared it.

And it prompted no end of fabulously on-point replies. Here are just four of them.

‘When you need to explain someone that you need access to your own house …’

“I would like to apologize for the miscommunication, I may have accidentally led you to believe this was a request. To clarify, it’s not a request. Keep your workmen out of the lane. This text is a courtesy, if the problem continues I will escalate to the police.”

‘Fire Department not going to be too happy about this, I’d imagine.’

‘I’m sure this is a challenge…” Oh go pound sand bud. It isn’t a damn challenge. Tell your lazy renovation crew to park in the driveway or off site. Like ffs. I’m so sick of lazy tradesman.

‘I work the trades, and I park where appropriate and never block anyone or anything. Sick of all the lazy asshats in my field. “Well we have lots of material” Get a portable cart you mook.’

‘Stop being nice. They obviously don’t give a shit about you or anyone else.’

Source Reddit u/MightyShaft20